第269期“文澜大讲堂”讲座预告——Randall Morck:How Indexed Investment Erodes Stock Market Efficiency


  讲座题目:How Indexed Investment Erodes Stock Market Efficiency

Because actively managed portfolios do not outperform market indexes in informationally efficient stock markets, savings increasingly flow to lower-cost index funds, which simply buy and hold the stocks in a major index, such as the S&P 500. If this diverts capital away from moving prices towards fundamentals, increased indexing may render stock markets decreasingly efficient. Using firms added to or dropped from the S&P 500, we find that exogenous idiosyncratic information events move firms' stocks significantly less when those firms are in the index than when they are not. Idiosyncratic information events are used because, as Samuelson noted, stock market efficiency is more evident in individual stocks' idiosyncratic price changes than in market-wide price movements. Alternative explanations are tested and rejected. Increased indexing may thus be undermining the efficient markets hypothesis that supports its viability, and much else in the real economy.


主讲:Randall Morck教授,为阿尔伯塔大学商学院财务金融系的首席教授、Stephen A. Jarislowsky杰出讲席教授、美国麻省剑桥国家经济研究院研究员、哈佛大学客座教授。研究领域包括公司治理、金融市场、政治经济学和亚洲经济发展。研究成果发表在经济学与管理学国际顶级期刊American Economic ReviewThe Review of Financial StudiesJournal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisThe Journal of FinanceThe Economic Journal等。曾为加拿大和美国政府、世界银行和世界货币基金组织担任公司治理和其它经济问题方面的顾问,他也常受邀在加拿大和世界各地的学术、商界和政府研讨会上担任演讲嘉宾。

活动时间:2023620日10: 00-11: 30



